Der kleine Matteo ist gar nicht mehr so klein! Heute hat er seinen 6. Geburtstag gefeiert. Seine Milchzähne wackeln, sein Gesicht und seine "Patschhändchen" werden immer schmaler und länger! Und die Kindergartentasche wird bald von einer Schultasche ersetzt!
Heuer feiert er sein letztes Geburtstagsfest im Kindergarten mit der lieben "Tante" Maria und den Kindern. Durch all diese Gedanken blieb mein Herz vor Schreck kurz stehen: Mein jüngstes Kind, dieser lustige Wassermann, der uns alle zum Lachen bringt, der soviel redet und uns gleichzeitig so stark fordert und jeden Tag unsere Grenzen testet... dieser unberechenbare Michel aus Lönneberger ist nun 6 Jahre alt.
Ein Dankeschön von Matteo und uns an alle Freunde und Verwandte, für die vielen guten Wünsche, die Geschenke und Telefonate!
Seid alle schön gegrüßt,
Il nostro piccolo Matteo non è poi più così piccolo. Oggi ha compiuto infatti il suo 6° compleanno. I suo denti da latte ballano, il suo visetto si allunga sempre di più e le sue manine paffute diventano sempre più affusolate! Ed anche il cestino dell'asilo verrà presto sostituito da una cartella per la scuola! Quest'anno Matteo ha festeggiato il suo ultimo compleanno all'asilo insieme alla sua maestra Maria ed i suo amichetti. Per via di tutti questi pensieri e riflessioni il mio cuore ha per un istante smesso di battere... Il mio piccolino, questo aquario divertente che ci strappa tanti sorrisi e risate, che parla così tanto e allo stesso tempo ci mette ininterrottamente alla prova... questo Pierino imprevedibile ha adesso 6 anni.
Und GRAZIE di cuore va ad amici e parenti per gli auguri, i regali e le telefonate!
Un saluto a voi tutti
Meeting somebody casually, after a while you haven't seen him, can really change your mood instantaneously! Those are meetings that make you smirk and feel like willing to tell everybody about what you came to know!
Well, this was one of those days...
I was waiting at the train station for my train heading home after my course, when a well-known-face strolled by carrying two big bags. I stopped the well-known-face smiling which became a very surprised well-known smiling face and told me everything about his big plans: <<I am going to check the luggage in... >> Yes, because the well-known-face and his wife are going to spend a week in Paris! And what makes him really happy and proud is that she doesn't know anything about it!!! This trip is supposed to be a surprise for their 10th anniversary! Isn't that sweet!!!
Imagine this guy working hard on this project for months, trying to keep everything secret, calling her boss to get a week holiday, packing her luggage, matching pullovers with socks, knowing that she won't probably be completely satisfied about his choice, hijacking her the very next day to the airport, instead of driving her to work like everyday... Over there they will consume breakfast together... Well, she won't find that strange at once, then he prepared every detail very accurately... He told her, he will be abroad for a week because of his job and she won't suspect anything when he will propose her to get breakfast together at the airport!! And at the end she will jump into the flight to Paris with him....
I wish you a wonderful time in Paris, guys!!